Friday, January 22, 2010
Is building a follower list in Twitter important to SEO?
The short answer, absolutely. It is a vital piece of Internet Marketing. In the first part of this blog I will explain how you can get a large and targeted audience to follow you.
How can you build a large Twitter follower list? It’s simple but it will take time and effort on your part on a regular basis if you don’t want your New SEO Company to do it for you.
6 simple steps to become a Twitter Superstar:
1. Do NOT settle for a Twitter background. You appear to be a lazy person by settling for the easy way out. Go to and design your own background. This is a very user friendly, free service. And, after you design your background, it will even be automatically uploaded on to your Twitter account.
2. Now it’s time to select people/businesses you want to follow. Click on the “Find A Person” link in your upper menu and place the type of person/business you are seeking. For example, if you are seeking to reach people interested in food, type “food” in the “Find A Person”. Click on the first listing and then click on their followers. Next you click on the “follow” button for the first 5 to 7 pages of that listing. After that go to the next listing under “food” and do the same. Try to follow approximately 100 people per day.
3. Cleanse your list (or unfollow) of those who do not follow you in return. Do this every couple of days and do NOT waste your time doing it manually. Use the free online unfollow service This will automatically delete those who do not follow you. This is critical when you approach 2,000 people that you are following as Twitter usually will not allow you to exceed more than 10% of those following you once you hit 2,000 people that you are following.
For example, suppose you have 1,200 followers and you exceed 2,000 that you are following. You might have your account frozen or not be able to follow any more people. So it’s vital that you cleanse your list to only follow those that are following you.
4. How many Tweets should you send out each day? 1 or 2? No. More like 15 or 16 sent out on an hourly basis. You’re thinking, you want me to send out a tweet on the hour, every hour, are you insane? (Your New SEO Company can do this for you). You can set your tweets up for the day or week and we will do the rest.
5. Shorten any link that you tweet using a service like . Remember you only have 140 characters in your tweet, one area to conserve characters is your link.
6. Answer all PERSONAL direct messages. These are message where someone has taken the time to type in your name. All the others are probably automatically generated. Don’t waste your time on those as the sender will never read your reply.
Complete these steps every day and you will become a Twitter Superstar.
Oscar Bos
New Wave SEO
Monday, January 11, 2010
Micro blogging, just what is the point?
Top business uses for Twitter:
Referrals: The more information (useful) or service you provide on Twitter and actively Tweet, the more people will become followers and your circle of influence will become larger, faster than imagined.
Instant exposure: No other tool out there on the web is more powerful than Twitter for this purpose only. Used the right way this is one of its biggest benefits –the right way being: don’t say anything you don’t want to say, consider your community and always think twice about sending a message.
Building contacts and influence: Twitter has mass appeal and allows you access to millions of people, but target your audience correctly and it can have instant results.
Build up a buzz: Ahead of an event, announcement, conference, product launch or piece of research you can build up a sense of anticipation and excitement directly to the audience that matters. If you promise and don’t deliver on Twitter, as in business you will fail and instantly lose followers.
Live tweet: During live events create additional buzz and transparency by live tweeting what’s happening, rate speakers at events, exchange thoughts with people in the same room and give instant feedback or comments.
Excellent brand builder: Tweetdeck allows you, your customers and your employees to see buzzwords and search any word to see whether or not your company is being spoken about. This reinforces the importance of transparency and immediacy on Twitter, and lets you see clearly how much people are talking and what they’re saying about your brand. If your employees can see who is saying what about the business they work for, it can help to improve advocacy and engagement.
Brevity, brevity and brevity: Corporate emails are well known for being long and tedious, so if you can write a clear message in 140 characters or less, surely you can put email in the dustbin forever? Perhaps, in an ideal, clutter-free world, but there are concerns about privacy and a 140-character limit doesn’t allow for much detail.
Follow competitors or sales leads: A great way to see what your rivals are up to but again, be honest about who you are.
Crisis communications: Twitter is a fantastic tool to use during a crisis and can mitigate the situation immediately, or reduce damage if your followers are well targeted. So make sure you have a defined list of who your target audience should be.
Customer service: Allows you to respond immediately to customer queries and complaints, but make sure it’s the right person/the right thought leader that’s answering.
Thought leadership: If you have someone in the company who can contribute in some way to a particularly important topic then empower them to tweet. Give them the go-ahead to represent the company.
Corporate communication: Short company announcements are very easily Tweetable, but question yourselves beforehand about how you should and could be engaging with your community.
Personally, I would urge you to persist because the benefits, although I believe mainly untapped, can be vast. Twitter and social media marketing go hand in hand. The vast flow, of well targeted information provided by you/your business is a key factor when you think about increasing your web presence and the flow of traffic to your site.
Visit us at New Wave SEO and request a free business analysis with one of our consultants.
Oscar Bos
Sunday, January 10, 2010
SEO and the Internet are part of our life's
There are millions of people and businesses who are running their day to day operations through the internet and are earning great profits from it. You must be wondering, why some websites are so popular, while a large number of websites stay in obscurity? Why do some websites pop up in the first few search engine results while others come are not to be found for pages and pages?
The answer to this question is SEO or Search Engine Optimization. New SEO means optimization of the content of your website in a way that its ranking in search engines rises. Search Engine Optimization involves using the right number of keywords and keywords that are in the right place in the content and most importantly keywords that are relevant to what you are selling/provding. This ensures that when those particular keywords are searched by potential customers, your website is shown in the first few search results.
Naturally, the higher your website is shown in the search engine results list, the more traffic you will get. After all this is the main reason why some websites get more traffic and bigger profits than others.
For example, suppose you run a travel website about tourism in Amsterdam. Just writing good content won’t be enough to get good traffic to it. You will have to make sure that the people who are trying to gather information about tourist activities in Amsterdam get to see your website.
For this to happen, you will have to use the right keywords and key phrases in the content of your website. This is what we call New SEO.
Search Engine Optimization can be a tricky thing because you must know exactly the right keywords and phrases and put them in the right places. You must also know which keywords are searched most and which keywords will be beneficial for your website. For that reason you consult with SEO professionals that are knowledgeable and ethical on the SEO front. In New SEO, there is not a one size fits all rule. Each website is different (and needs to be in order to stand out from the other millions and millions of websites) and its optimization should be according to the specifics of you website. That’s why you must hire a professional SEO service to optimize your website.
Oscar Bos
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Across the internet, professionals of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can choose to either be conventional or unconventional with their methods. To take the lead in the ever-changing race for page ranks means to play by the rules, or to join the dark side. Such is the dichotomy now known as White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO. Judging from the colors, it’s fairly easy to determine which side is which.
Why White Hat versus Black Hat SEO?
The use of the word “hat” was derived from classic western TV shows and movies, where good and bad cowboys were set apart by the color of their headgear. Back then, TV sets didn’t have colors, so viewers were used to identifying the heroes and villains by these attributes. Besides being two extreme ends of the color spectrum, black and white have been common examples to illustrate the difference between good and evil.
In the same light, there are search engine optimizers and web professionals who differ in the methods they use. Because winning the top most spot in Google takes a lot of time and effort, there are those who choose to find unethical means of deceiving search engine bots and web users. This is where we stand apart from our competition as we chose to strictly use White Hat SEO practices for both our client sites as our own sites.
Black Hat Search Engine Optimization Techniques.
Initially, a good page rank might be achieved when one goes by Black Hat SEO, but chances are it will not be sustained for long.
Here are some common naughty tricks that Black Hat optimizers use on their websites:
Keyword stuffing – Major search engines like Yahoo and Google usually allow a keyword density of less than 5%. Content writers who go Black Hat create text that is chock full of keywords, with little or no relevance to the reader at all.
Hidden text – If they don’t want the highly dense keywords to be seen by readers, then they can hide them behind images, or blend the font color with the background. Only spiders or bots can detect these hidden texts.
Link farming – Because bots and spiders use links on pages to go to the next one to be indexed, it is understood that more links means a better chance of getting noticed by search engines. However, the quality of links is also vital. Link farms are sites that contain nothing but links, often with no relation to each other, only as a means of directing spiders to pages where Black Hat tricksters want them to go.
Gateway pages – There are certain sites among the top 10 in Google, that when the link is clicked, the browser points to a different page. The traffic is purposely driven to a site that is not of interest or use to the web surfer.
Why You Should Say “No” to Black Hat SEO !!!!
Black Hat SEO professionals often walk on thin ice. It is only a matter of time until Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask and other major search engines discover ways to beat them. Currently they (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc..) have programs and tools on their sites that can detect Black Hat techniques.
If you want to keep your website to be productive and in good standing with all search engines, forget about short cuts and Black Hat tricks. You’ll be glad you stuck with the guidelines. Contact New Wave SEO today for a free business analysis
As you now understand the basics of White Hat against Black Hat SEO, one can debunk that age-old saying “nice guys finish last.” This simply doesn’t apply to the SEO game. It’s better to play by the rules and stay ahead longer, than to cheat your way to the top only to fall even harder.
Oscar Bos
SEO 101
Driving increased traffic to a website is one of the main goals of search engine optimization (New SEO). In order to garner a generally high level of traffic to your web site, your site must be easily discovered by prospective clients and web visitors.
Traditional advertising methods help, like printing your URL on print ads, business cards, letterhead and brochures; however an estimated 81% of Internet users say they use search engines to target and find information they deem useful, making search engines the best place you should focus your efforts in attaining enhanced visibility for your site.
1) Search Engines Now Employ New Search Methods
unfortunately, over the years; this has become an increasingly tricky proposition. When search engines like Yahoo and Google first came into existence, they freely wandered on the web, crawling sites and publishing links. But, as the number of web pages continued to grow to astronomical proportions, it became necessary for the search engines to create a method by which they would prioritize what they would display.
At the start, most search engines focused mainly on the invisible Meta tags that accompany each web page. Experienced website owners knew too well that loading their keywords into these tags would quickly ramp it up the search engine listings. Sadly however, it also was very easy for unethical businesses to manipulate these tags, usually thru spamming, and as a result lure Web users to sites that didn’t have anything related to the information they were seeking.
2) Links Are Like Footnotes in Books
during the development and evolution of the Internet, it has become routine for site owners to give credit to other sites for the material or content they publish. Website owners do this by putting a link on their site to the web page of the other site. One could consider links to act like a footnote in a research paper, as a way to reference the work of someone else. Before, there used to be a time when links didn't matter, though at least not like they do today.
A few of the search engines looked at back links for a portion of their algorithms, but it didn't carry the same weight as it does today. Now, in order to be competitive in nearly any online industry, back links are essential. Back links do not only give the search engines a barometer of a site’s popularity, they also aid in determining the topic, and relevance of a site in relation to its targeted keywords. Though the art of New SEO is, and will always be very important, gathering relevant back links is steadily increasing in importance.
3) Where To Start Building Links
A lot of individuals would generally ask, what would be a nice spot to start building links? An appropriate venue would be directories. Directories are great way to beef up your inbound links. There are a lot of directories on the web, and it may be tough to find a starting point. As the importance of link density continues to grow, it’s important not to forget about traditional New SEO.
New SEO techniques will always play a part in Search Engine Rankings. As the major players like Google focus more on links, they will always have a part of their algorithm that relies on traditional SEO factors. By having a comprehensive New SEO campaign, you could increase your visibility to prospective customers.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Internet Marketing 101
Email is old, you say? Email is proven; say the experts. Here are the top five trends for 2010.
1) Email will continue to be an anchor for multimedia and internet marketing. All indications are that email will continue to grow into 2010. Email is recognized as the highest ROI form of internet marketing and it's measurable. Even though email is the 'grandfather', it really is the cornerstone and will remain.
2) I also expect to see more integration between email and social ad platforms. As part of the social mix, online marketers will continue to integrate social media with email marketing to ensure that brands, projects and products are cross-marketed and connecting with consumers.
3) More than just social integration, though, I expect to see integration of most other online ad formats and email through 2010. But in 2010 you're going to see more progress toward truly achieving integrated marketing. Any marketer not using integrated tool sets is doing a disservice to the brand. Entire organizations will be working with social applications to connect with the consumer base.
4) And forget about online analytics. In 2010 the trend will be to move away from when or where consumers are clicking ads and move toward optimizing programs to keep consumers engaged for longer periods of time. [Marketers] will begin to know marketing analytics and not just web/online analytics. They will know what happens after the click, how the consumer becomes engaged / disengaged and how they interact with the website as a whole.
5) Finally, mobile will be a big trend. It's been 'the year of mobile' for several years but in 2009 we finally saw a mind shift begin. That shift in mindset that mobile was the away-from-office computer will help marketers connect with consumers in a new and different way. [This will] drive mobile campaigns and push mobile-accessible websites.
Overall, I expect 2010 to be slightly simpler for marketers as integrated tool suites launch and become more familiar. These suites will make it simpler for a singular campaign message to be heard from email through social and into video and mobile. You have mobile driven by newer devices (see Nexus One by Google, launched less than 4 hours ago) and you've got the tools ready to be used. You have social marketing coming into its own and the analytics tools that are simpler to understand.
So I'm looking forward to taking advantage of the convergence of all these trends in 2010, Are you……?
Monday, January 4, 2010
A new year
This evening I will show you the numbers from the past in comparison with today and the estimates for the very near future.
seo dallas
new seo
Oscar Bos